Hello Friends,
I’m currently engaged with a book called the Atomic Habits wrote by James Clear. The book does an excellent job laying down the framework of how habits are formed and shares insightful strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones. And, as I pursue to cover the content of this book there was an interesting point that I’d come across and it’s called ‘the aggregation of marginal gains. The idea behind this concept was to improve every day by 1%.
The author states:
Improving by 1 percent isn’t particularly notable—sometimes it isn’t even noticeable—but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run. The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding. Here’s how the math works out: if you can get 1 percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done
These improvements are a direct result of creating a system around your habits and the results of these habits compound over time. The way you can approach learning a new skill is by way of implementing a system. However, for someone who works on their skill every day, the 1% rule would resonate with them soo much. So, if you guys are feeling a sense of plateau creeping in change your routine around but work on that 1% every day.
If you resonate with this post, I highly recommend acquiring Atomic Habits.
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Get in touch… — JOE’s LIFE SKILLS LAB/Joe Sehrawat
Take Care
Photo by Алекс Арцибашев on Unsplash