Hey Folks,

Having the right temperament can be the difference between success and failure, a good negotiation Vs a bad one, a good decision Vs a bad one. If you can keep your emotions at bay and be rational in your decision making process instead of becoming emotional (excited/nervous) then the chances of you doing well is exponentially high.

Having a certain kind of temperament is more important than brains. You need to keep raw irrational emotions under control.___ ~ Charlie Munger

Often, we find that our impulses take control over us despite reminding ourselves to sleep over a decision we have to make. The result? We commit to a decision that we cannot backtrack from thereafter and then found doing second guessing what we had done.

If this sound familiar to you and you do not want to be in that position. If you feel rushed, excited or emotional then take time off. Sit on your thoughts. Sleep on it. Do whatever you need to do to make sure that you have done enough due diligence before taking action. If you feel that you will miss out on an opportunity and need to decide immediately then tell yourself – FOMO ( Fear of Missing Out ) has always done more harm then good.

Let me know what you think? I’d love your feedback. If you haven’t already then sign up for a weekly dose just like this.

Get in touch… — JOE’s LIFE SKILLS LAB/Joe Sehrawat


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Sun Sep 13 , 2020
Hello Folks, Space travel and any movies/ series made on the space discoveries is absolutely fascinating to watch. The one thing, it very categorically highlights […]

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